The methodology of a systematic review should be accurately documented and reported. Therefore, you should record your searches as you do them. The easiest way to do this is to ensure that you save your searches.
Databases provide the option to create a personal account: requiring you to sign in, create or register an account. These details may differ from your domain username and password and will be unique to you. Personal accounts provide access to more functionality: the ability to create alerts, save searches and save individual or batches of results. When saving searches, make sure you have a naming system that allows you to distinguish between test and final searches.
The PRISMA checklist and flow diagram are widely used for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The most up-to-date version is available on the PRISMA website.
The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions provides guidance on how search methods should be reported.
For help completing the PRISMA 2020 flow diagram watch our short video.